Archive for the ‘ By Exers ’ Category

Props to Sri

19th June 2010 | Closed

While I’m busy pointing out all of the things that Sri obviously missed in these “Predictions of Patricia” articles, there is one thing that she did apparently catch. The unmet need in the social zeitgeist to welcome home the Vietnam veterans was something that she noticed. So, I gotta give her 5 points for that. […]

Lord God Elvis

18th June 2010 | 3 Comments

Sri’s Prediction: The worship of the Lord God Elvis will begin to subside by April. May the gods and the false idols rest in peace once and for all. By then, Elvis himself should be more at peace; how can he die when there are millions of people possessing him from this side?

Punk Rock and Riot in December

17th June 2010 | 1 Comment

Sri’s Prediction: The Sex Pistols are just the beginning of a whole new trend toward low vibrational musical groups. Four other groups will be quite popular until a violent riot in December. Music groups of a higher vibration are forming, and will come forth in late 1979 and 1980.

Advancements in Medicine and Science

16th June 2010 | 3 Comments

Sri’s Prediction: There will be amazing changes and discoveries in medicine and science with new research and new things being done. It will be publicly announced between September and October (1977).

TV Sales Down, Kung Fu Quality Down

15th June 2010 | 2 Comments

Sri’s Prediction: On television violence will be up 23%. If you haven’t watched T.V. in the last three years, you’ve broken the programming. The sale of T.V. sets will decline both in ’78 and ’79. Three new programs will be aired in the autumn of this year. The public will love them, but the networks […]

A Strange Assassination

14th June 2010 | 2 Comments

Sri’s Prediction: There will be an assassination of someone very prominent. He is dark and not necessarily a Westerner. It will make headlines because this person is in a very high position. It will be as mysterious and confused as it was with Kennedy.

Movie about UFOs and 1982 Quake

13th June 2010 | 3 Comments

Sri’s Prediction: In 1979 a story of survival of the great quake of 1982 in California will be published. It will be made into a film and will show how our visitors from space are helping with such a crisis. It will be one of the most controversial films ever to be produced, rocking both […]

Women Love Carlos Casteneda, Men Don’t

12th June 2010 | 2 Comments

Sri’s Prediction: Carlos Casteneda is back with another best seller, The Second Ring of Power. More women than men will buy the book. Men may start the book, but they’ll have a difficult time finishing it.

Farah Fawcett Out, Jose Feliciano In

10th June 2010 | 2 Comments

Sri’s Prediction: Farah Fawcett has had her reign. Another pseudo-queen will give her some competition in August. Jose Feliciano will have a complete changeover in his career by September. He may be offered a movie script which he may turn down. The script will revolve around a Vietnam veteran who has been brainwashed and released […]

Alligators in the News

9th June 2010 | 1 Comment

Sri’s Prediction: Here’s a funny one. This has to do with alligators. It’s a tremendous thing with alligators and it’s not the movie “Gator”. Are alligators becoming extinct? Maybe it’s preservation. there will be a big ado about them. Yes — Alligators!