2004: GIV (4th Gathering Page 1)
GIV images and stuff
Photographs by Dorie / Pathena
Dorie/Pathena, Karen/Kali, and Gina/Parama
Jane/Triana and Al/Ishvara Das kickin’ it old school
whatever that means.
Ken in foreground, Ken’s wife in background.
Al/Ishvara Das (still kickin’ it old school), Laurel/Ganesha (wearing her Ganesha t-shirt), Stacy and Lee/Aiyer Das getting along just peachy.
Lucy/Zemikin partially in the shadows, Catherine/Kalon catching up with Steve/Mon-Ra-Sone.
That’s Mary Jo/Tia-Lon in the foreground and Jane/Triana sitting on the right.
A wide shot of the group at Long Beach’s Recreation Park gazebo.
Filed under: Gatherings